Energy flow in forage Corn production (case study: shahrood of semnan province)

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 86

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 آبان 1402

چکیده مقاله:

This study was conducted in order to estimating the energy flow in forage production Shahrood (Semnan Province). Calculations include energy inputs (consumption of fertilizers, pesticides, labor, machines, fuel and electricity) and energy output (contents of energy in forage corn). One way to quantify essential parts of agricultural development is the energy flow method. Results of this investigation showed that total energy input in one hectare of forage corn in Shahrood was ۳۳۵۲۴۹.۵MJha-۱.The output energy of forage corn was ۲۸۹۸۰۰ MJha-۱. Also, at among direct energy, the highest share was related to irrigation (۴۳%). Nitrogen fertilizer had the second place (۳۲.۲%) in terms of energy contribution (after irrigation water).In this study energy efficiency was ۸.۲. Results showed that, forage corn yield were ۷۰۰۰۰ kgha-۱. Since the most energy consumption was related to irrigation water, fertilizers and machinery operation. So, the use of new methods of irrigation (pressurized irrigation), precise application of fertilizers and new methods of tillage (conservation tillage) can increase the energy efficiency. Application of Tape irrigation, fertigation and reduced tillage that consumed lower energy will increase energy efficiency in agriculture. Regarding energy efficiency and yield of forage corn in tape irrigation and fertigation, it can be recommended that furrow irrigation and fertilizer broadcasting can be replaced by tape irrigation and fertigation. Also, because much of the energy consumption of mechanical energy comprises the other hand, most of the mechanical energy is used in the tillage, use of modern methods of tillage (conservation tillage), thereby saving energy and increasing productivity energy.


ZaOmidmehr Omidmehr

Academic member of Agricultural Engineering Research Department, Semnan (Shahrood), Agricultural Research and Education and Natural Resources Research Center, AREEO, Shahrood, lran