Evaluation of the Effects of Vitamin C in Prognosis of Patients with Sepsis in Zanjan Vali- e-Asr Hospital in ۲۰۲۰

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 56

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 10 آبان 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Background and Objective: Regarding the high prevalence of sepsis, it is important to discover methods to control this condition. Valuable effect of vitamin C in vasopressin synthesis is demonstrated, moreover, its antioxidant effect reduces vascular infiltration. Therefore, the beneficial effects of vitamin C in prognosis of the patients who have been admitted to Vali-e- Asr hospital in Zanjan, Iran with the diagnosis of sepsis have been evaluated. Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study was planned on patients with sepsis who have been admitted to the infectious ward of Vali-e-Asr hospital in Zanjan. Patients with sepsis above ۱۸ years old from June to March ۲۰۲۰ have been included in this study. Data of patients whom have received intravenous vitamin C, ۲۵ mg/kg/۲۴h for ۴ days, and patients without reception vitamin C was collected from their files. Their demographic, clinical and para clinical information were collected, then the information was analyzed. Results: ۵۴ patients (۲۶ received vitamin C and ۲۸ did not receive vitamin C) were enrolled in this study. Considering that the two groups were matched from the beginning of the study, no statistically significant difference was found between the two groups of patients in demographic characteristics. Furthermore, there were no significant differences in the sepsis induced complications, e.g. laboratory findings, mean days of hospitalization in ICU and SOFA score. Conclusion: Our findings demonstrated that no clear statistically significant difference was found between the two groups of control and vitamin C received groups; nonetheless for precise conclusion more studies with larger groups are required.

کلیدواژه ها:


Afsaneh Karami

Dept. of Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran

Fattaneh Fallahpour

Dept. of Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran

Nima Motamed

Dept. of Epidemiology, School of Medicine, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran

Mohammad Reza Jafari

Dept. of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran

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