Evaluation of Nano-Science & Technology in Upstream oil industry and comparison with Nanoparticle-Science

سال انتشار: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 2,228

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 دی 1391

چکیده مقاله:

With a view to fuel security of the world, geoscientists & petroleum technologists have to play a pivotal role to enhance R/P ratio of nations. That’s why enhanced oil & gas recovery is pertinent tasks before oil & gas industry. We have to pay too much attention on microbial enhanced oil & gas recovery. Nano science & technology has to revolutionise oil & gas industry as NEOR for improved oil & gas recovery between 80-90% of the original oil in place (OOIP). 4th Generation Seismic Oil & Gas Industry. Nanotechnology can be used to improve the drilling process and oil and gas production by making it easier to separate oil and gas in the reservoir. Nanotechnology can make the industry considerably greener. There are numerous areas in which nanotechnology can contribute to more-efficient, less-expensive, and more-environmentally sound technologies than those that are readily available. Applications of nanotechnology to the exploration and production of oil and gas is bearthrough in nanogeoscience, upstream sector. Nanotechnology offers the promise of the intelligent oil field. Nanotechnology holds great promise, both for mapping out and manipulating fossil-fuel reserves, because of the small scales that characterize the cracks and pores where oil is stuck. Nano prospecting, Nanophysics in Oil and Gas E&P, Reservoir Surveillance and Enhanced Oil Recovery, UpStream: Explorationsensors, high performance materials; Drilling-chemical and abrasion resistant coating, production tubulars, alloys for increased strength and endurance at reduced weight, nano-scale chemicals to control fluid losses, nano-composite elastomers, hydrophobic/hydrophilic properties control, novel materials responding to water presence; Production- fluid flow sensors, fluid type recognition sensors, nano-membranes; Reservoir engineering- rock porosity sensors; Well logging- wireless sensors applications of molecular simulation in the oil and gas industry: Monte-Carlo Methods

کلیدواژه ها:

petroleum technologists- drilling process- water presence- molecular simulation


Mohammad karaminezhad

Department of M.sc. Oil Engineering, science and Research branch, Islamic azad university, Yazd, Iran

Alireza Redaei

Faculty Malek Ashtar University of Tehran and Islamic Azad University, Yazd Science and Research

Kian Habibi

Department of M.sc. Oil Engineering, science and Research branch, Islamic azad university, Yazd, Iran

Hosain Dastanboh

Department of M.sc. Oil Engineering, science and Research branch, Islamic azad university, Yazd, Iran