The Atmospheric Dust Characteristics of Lorestan Province(Case Study: Kuhdasht Field, Hurolazim Wetland)

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 160

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 مهر 1402

چکیده مقاله:

This research was carried out to investigate the atmospheric dust characteristics of the Kuhdasht area and its sources of production in Lorestan province with an area of ۴۵۶ km², located in the Southwest of the province and the West of the country.First collecting seasonal samples of dust in ۱۰ stations from the area by installing glass traps in ۱m², then, in order to determine the possible sources, along with the adjacent surface of the traps and the Hurolazim wetland in Khuzestan province was prepared.The temporal and spatial changes of dust characteristics and the estimated sources of dust entry to the region were analyzed statistically.The results showed that these changes are proportional to the climate parameters such as wind speed, rainfall and relative humidity as well as distance from the source of production. The rate of subsidence of dust in the region is ۱۱.۵۱ ton/km².year and theSpring season has the highest and theAutumn has the lowest amount. The Zinkmetal has the highest and Cadmium has the lowest seasonal and annual subsidence rate. The average concentration of heavy metals in dust is higher the soil area, which has many reasons for this. Additionally, the dominance of the size of the dust particles related to the Silt that was indicative of the source of dust from regions with medium to high distance.The amount of pollution index of dust heavy metals indicates the spread of contamination of the metal in soil area and has a direct and significant relationship with human and natural activitieswhich showed anthropogenic activities more contribution.Finally, the results showed that the sources of dust production in the region are largely over border.

کلیدواژه ها:

Physical ، Chemical and Mineralogy Characteristics ، Temporal-Spatial Distribution ، Dust ، Heavy metals.


Hamid Alipour

Department of Agriculture, Khorramabad Branch, Islamic Azad UniversityKhorramabad, Iran