Digital strategy and the method of transi۲on to using its solu۲ons

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 118

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 3 مهر 1402

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Digital strategy is a set of acJons and approaches that are taken to improve and develop businesses in the digital world, which includes several factors that must be implemented synchronously and simultaneously. These factors include the use of new technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), data analysis, Digital MarkeJng, Search Engine OpJmizaJon (SEO)and user experience improvement (UX).That can help employees reach customers, increase sales and effecJvely showcase their brand. The leadership team of a company determines its strategy based on the needs of the market, technology or popular plaSorms and the business performance of design and tuning and elements of digital strategy in the insJtuJonal organizaJon and strategic objecJves to implement.Over the past decade, business infrastructure has been digiJzed and the relaJonship between products, processes and services has increased. Technologies such as cloud compuJng and the Internet of things, social technologies, mobile, data analysis, cloud compuJng and the Internet of things have compromised the profitability of today's successful tradiJonal organizaJons.On the other hand, these technologies have provided new opportuniJes for organizaJons that can provide new values through structural combinaJon and adaptaJon based on change and transformaJve capabiliJes.Digital technologies that have penetrated many industries and sectors are driving a radical change in business strategies. So it's Jme to rethink the role of IT strategy, and instead of seeing it as an operaJon-level strategy, it's looking at a combinaJon of digiJzaJon strategy and business strategy, which can be called digital business strategy. Leaders who understand the opportuniJes created by digital technologies to increase integrity in the organizaJon define new digital strategies for the organizaJon. In fact, these strategies are not separate strategies for technology, but business strategies that include opportuniJes created by the digital economy. Digital strategies, since they have a wide range of effecJveness and results, seek to expand the degree of integrity and superiority to the independent dimensions of digital transformaJon. In order to play its role in the enJre organizaJon, digital strategy must be aligned with and aligned with other strategies in the business


Peris Farzane

DBA Student, Eleaenever Business School- Iranian Business Leadership Academy

Mohammad Akoochekian

CEO and board of Directors of the Iranian Business Leadership Academy - Eleaenever Business School