Geographical investigation of urban design of high-rise buildings and its effect on prevailing winds and air pollution: a case study of Hashtgerd city in Tehran

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 144

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 مرداد 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Due to the growth of urbanization and the increase in population in cities, high-rise buildings have been proposed as one of the solutions to increase urban development and housing for the urban population. But even though high-rise buildings can be a suitable solution for housing the urban population, their impact on air pollution should also be investigated. High-rise buildings require more energy for heating and cooling due to their high height. This high energy consumption can lead to an increase in air pollution. In addition, high-rise buildings require more water and electricity supply due to the high volume of the building, which can lead to an increase in fossil fuel consumption and, as a result, an increase in air pollution. Also, high-rise buildings can increase traffic and congestion in nearby streets. This traffic and congestion can lead to an increase in air pollution. In addition, high-rise buildings usually have little parking, which can increase car traffic on nearby streets and, as a result, increase air pollution. However, with the use of new and advanced technologies, it is possible to minimize the impact of high-rise buildings on air pollution. For example, the use of heating and cooling systems with the lowest energy consumption, solar systems for energy production, the use of green materials in the building, etc. can help minimize the impact of high-rise buildings on air pollution. As a result, considering that high-rise buildings can be a suitable solution for housing the urban population, attention should be paid to minimizing their impact on air pollution. The use of new and advanced technologies and cooperation with experts in the field of environment can help minimize the impact of high-rise buildings on air pollution.

کلیدواژه ها:

Urban development - tall buildings - population increase - air pollution - greening and renewable energies


Zakaria Hassanzadeh

master of urban design

Samira Amirian

bachelor of geography and urban planning,