Effects of ondansetron ۴ mg versus ۸ mg in reducing injection pain ofEtomidate

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 151

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 25 مرداد 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Background and Objective: Etomidate is an anesthetic induction medicine that is the first choice, particularly inelderly and cardiovascular patients, due to its favorable hemodynamic stability. There are some complicationswith Etomidate administration nevertheless. Created pain during the injection, for instance, may be bothering.This study aimed to investigate whether or not Ondansetron can reduce the injection pain of Etomidate and ifcan, which doses of ۴ and ۸ mg are more effective.Materials & Methods: In this double-blind clinical trial study, ۶۰patients candidates for general anesthesia withEtomidate, were divided into three groups randomly. After infusing ۳۰۰ ml of normal saline for each patient, ۲minutes before induction, Ondansetron (۸mg), Ondansetron (۴mg), and normal saline (as a placebo) wereadministered to groups first, second and third respectively. Then Etomidate was given to all patients in theform of ۱۰ ml ampoules containing ۲۰ mg of Etomidate equally. The pain score was rated using the FPRScriterion which is from ۰ to ۱۰. Collected data were analyzed and interpreted.Results: The factor of sex wasn't an effective element in the level of pain but height (p = ۰.۰۳۴) and ageaffected this level; patients who were in their seventh decade of life had no complaints (۵۹.۴%). There was nosignificant difference in the mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) (p> ۰.۰۵), the mean heart rate (HR) (p> ۰.۰۵),and the mean arterial oxygen saturation (O۲ sat) (p> ۰.۰۵) between the three groups. The level of pain wasconsiderably different in the study groups (p = ۰.۰۰۰) and the ۸ mg Ondansetron group had the lowest pain.