Palmar-divergent Dislocation of the Scaphoid and Lunate: A Case Report

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 107

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 13 مرداد 1402

چکیده مقاله:

A ۶۵-year-old farmer fell from a three-meter-high tree and sustained a palmar-divergent dislocation of the scaphoid and lunate. The patient was treated with open reduction of the scaphoid and lunate through the volar approach. The volar wrist capsule including the radioscaphocapitate ligament and Poirier space were repaired, and the scapholunate joint was fixed with two K-wires. Palmar-divergent dislocation of the scaphoid and lunate suggests a more severe injury to the soft tissue and ligaments of the wrist than a Mayfield stage IV perilunate dislocation. It seems that Mayfield's classification on perilunate injuries can be extended to include palmar-divergent dislocation of the scaphoid and lunate as type V.


Ahmadreza Afshar

Department of Orthopedics, Imam Khomeini hospital, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran.

Ali Tabrizi

Department of Orthopedics, Imam Khomeini hospital, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran.