Designing a smart wristband to increase patient safety and quick access to patient’s clinical information

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 108

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 1 مرداد 1402

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Background and aims: To maximize patient safety, the World Health Organization (WHO) setsix goals, which are considered a real health challenge worldwide. Patient identification was consideredthe first goal for safe care, and its main goal is to ensure that the correct care and treatmentprotocols are performed on the correct patient. Today, in many countries, at least two identifierswritten on a paper wristband and attached to one of the four organs of the patient are used toidentify the patient. If paper wristbands are used, the patient identification information may beremoved or illegible due to poor design, low resistance to paper tearing, and deformation dueto moisture. According to the clinical experiences presented in the studies, some factors such asmoving the patient from one bed to another in the same ward, the patient’s state of consciousness,transferring the patient from one ward to another, not having a companion, the inability to speakin some patients such as children, etc, may increase the possibility of error in the patient identificationprocess. Also, in paper wristbands, only demographic identifiers are used, while if thepatient’s clinical information is also available in this way, the medical visit and nursing care willbe done in a more favorable way. Considering that today’s clinical environment is very dynamicand demanding and so far modern technology has not been used to solve the above problems,therefore, smart wristbands to increase patient safety and quick access to the clinical informationof patients in the educational and treatment center of Imam Reza General Hospital Tabriz wasdesigned in ۲۰۲۳.Method: A smart wristband and health information software with a special QR code is designedfor each patient. Doctors and nurses can connect to the patient’s health information software byscanning the QR code, entering their medical and nursing system numbers, and accessing thepatient’s demographic and clinical information.Results: The design of smart wristbands makes it possible to use waterproof electronic wristbandsinstead of using paper wristbands. Also, by scanning the assigned code for each patient, thetreatment and care staff are connected to health information software that provides quick accessto a summary of demographic information, past treatment history, and current clinical informationof the patient during visits and care.Conclusion: The use of patient health information systems through the provision of high-qualityhealth care can have great potential to ensure patient safety, minimize medical errors, and improvethe performance of health care professionals.


Hassan Soleimanpour

Imam Reza General Hospital, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran

Hassan Khrdehfourosh

Imam Reza General Hospital, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran

Mohammad Mardani

Imam Reza General Hospital, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran

Fatemeh Heydari

Imam Reza General Hospital, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran