The Attitudes toward Female Genital Mutilation: A Survey among the Residents of Uramanat Region, Iran

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 126

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 28 تیر 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Background: Female genital mutilation (FGM) refers to the removal of a part or the entire female genital organ, which is often performed by a local individual using a blade without any anesthetics. FGM is concentrated in some African countries, Asia, and the Middle East. Objective: The present studywasconducted in Iran, whereFGMis a religious practiceandnot considered a crime, aiming to evaluate the information, beliefs, and understanding of the phenomenon among the residents of Uramanat (Javanrood, Ravansar, Salas, and Paveh cities) and compare the differences in the responses of the residents. Methods: A questionnaire was distributed among the Uramanat residents of Kermanshah province, Iran. Data were collected on the age, marital status, attitude, and knowledge of FGM. Results: The survey was implemented among ۲۵۰ residents of the Uramanat region, and ۲۱۲ questionnaires (۸۲.۷%) were returned by ۹۶ women (۴۷%) and ۱۰۹ men (۵۴%). Notably, ۶۶.۸% of the female participants had been circumcised. The findings indicated that ۸۱.۰۴% of the male residents and ۸۸.۵% of the female residents believed that FGM is a religious practice. Only ۸.۱% of the female residents compared to ۱۸.۷% of the male residents considered FGM to be illegal. Although ۷۸.۸% of the male participants stated that their spouse was circumcised, the majority of the men (۵۷.۸%) preferred a wife with a healthy female genitalia. Conclusions: According to the results, there are numerous and confusing perspectives regarding FGM. The lack of specific rules and knowledge about the psychological, sexual, and physical effects of FGM lead to the continuation of this practice. Therefore, raising the awareness of various social groups about FGM and its complications could put an end to this inhuman issue.


Osman Mahmoudi

Hamraz Counseling Center of Javanrud, Javanrud, Iran

Elham Hosseini

Hamraz Counseling Center of Javanrud, Javanrud, Iran