A Comparative Study of Nicholas Roerich on theIdeas of the East and Iranian Artists

سال انتشار: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 150

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 25 تیر 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Some Russian museums are working on issues in the East and devote a considerable portion oftheir activity to Iran. There is very strong relationship between Iranian arts and culture withRussia. Also Nicholas Roerich has influenced the ideas of some Iranian artists and painters.There is no extensive study and research in this area.Already the facts of Roerich's life and art are being forgotten. His life was truly that of a worldfigure, an international peacemaker and protector of the arts, as well as a dedicated and prolificpainter of India and the East.Students and collectors of ۱۹'"- and ۲۰'"-century landscape painting are usually quite aware ofthe works of English, German, French, and American artists. Fewer individuals today, however,are familiar with the paintings of Nikolai Roerich (۱۸۷۴-۱۹۴۷), a Russian artist whose worksranged from Russian, Tibetan, Indian, Chinese, and Japanese landscapes, to folk sketches andscenes, to set designs for many of the great Russian composers of the ۱۹"' and ۲۰'" centuries.While traveling and living in the East, Roerich produced hundreds of canvases of Asian landscapes.His paintings of India and the East reveal his fascination with mountains—the Himalayas.Like Monet's haystacks, he painted the Himalayas in every season, time of day, from everyangle, light, and view, capturing this Eastern spiritual motif in innumerable canvases.In this paper, first we propose the status of the symbol in Iranian painting, and then we describeand analysis a comparative study of Roerich and Iranian works.For future, we hope with help and sponsoring of Roerich International Center we extended ourresearch.

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Mostafa Alibeigi

Chairman of MPRH Institute, Tehran, Iran,H. Member of the Russian Academy of Art, Russia,Liaison Officer of Bharath University, India,