Compilation of the growth curve of girls aged ۷ to ۱۷ in Khorramshahr city and comparing with domestic and international curves

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 99

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 13 تیر 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Background and Aim: Growth assessment based on height, weight and body mass index (BMI) curves is an essential part of health monitoring and services. The aim of this study was to plot the growth curve of female students in Khorramshahr city and compare it with their Tehran and the United States’ centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) counterparts. Materials and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in ۲۰۲۰-۲۰۲۱ in elementary and high school girls in Khorramshahr. In total, ۲۱۶۰ female students aged ۷ to ۱۷ years were included in the study using cluster and multistage sampling to measure their height, weight and BMI. Height, weight and BMI percentiles of the target population were determined and compared with their Tehran and CDC counterparts. Also, the mentioned indicators were compared between the urban and the rural students. Results: Comparing height data, no difference was observed between rural and urban students (p<۰.۰۵), but urban students had significantly higher weights at ۱۶ and ۱۷ years and higher BMIs at ۱۵ and ۱۷ years (p <۰.۰۵). There was no significant difference between Khorramshahr and CDC reference students in height percentiles, although the weight of the Khorramshahr students was slightly lower than the CDC reference and in most of the percentiles, BMI was lower than the CDC reference. Also, the height of Khorramshahr students aged ۱۴ to ۱۷ was higher than their Tehran counterparts. Conclusion: The observed differences between the height, weight and BMI curves of Khorramshahr students with their Tehran counterparts and the CDC reference show the need for community and country-specific curves. Therefore, it is recommended that health professionals use this curve to examine the growth of children aged ۷ to ۱۷ years in similar communities.


مطهره مختارزاده

۱. PhD in Sport Physiology, Physical Education Teacher, Khorramshahr Department of Education, Khorramshahr, Iran

امیرفرحان اسدی

Physical education expert, Khorramshahr Department of Education, Khorramshahr, Iran

رئوف نگارش

PhD in Sport Physiology, Physical Education Teacher, Khuzestan Nomadic Education Department, Iran

معصومه بچاری

Physical Education Expert, Khorramshahr Department of Education, Khorramshahr, Iran