Overview of Arachnids and Arachnology in Iran

سال انتشار: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 178

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 خرداد 1402

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An overview of the Arachnida and their study in Iran is provided. Besides ancient poetry, relics (going back to ۵,۰۰۰ YBP), and early medical observations (at least ۲,۰۰۰ YBP), the first published taxonomical observations of arachnids from Iran were in ۱۸۰۷ about scorpions. The superorders Parasitiformes and Acariformes (mites and ticks) have received by far the most attention among all of the Arachnida thanks to their economic and medical/veterinary importance. Occurrences have been noted for over ۱,۷۳۳ species in four orders: Ixodida, Mesostigmata, Sarcoptiformes, and Trombidiformes. The first tick of the Ixodida was described in ۱۸۱۸. The first mite species described from Iran was of the Mesostigmata in ۱۹۸۲. The first member of the Sarcoptiformes named from Iran is uncertain, but the first Iranian species of the Suborder Oribatida was described in ۱۹۸۴ and was likely the first for the order. The first species described from Iran of the Order Trombidiformes were named in ۱۹۹۵. Studies on spiders started in ۱۸۷۴. Spiders are recorded by the occurrences of ۷۶۴ species. Scorpions number ۶۸ species in Iran and receive a lot of study and are better known compared to mites and spiders on a percentage basis, because scorpions have such a small diversity worldwide. The first Iranian species of Solifugae was described in ۱۸۹۵. The camel spiders are known from ۶۷ species. Pseudoscorpions are recorded by ۶۵ species. The Opiliones are known by ۲۲ named species. The Amblypygi are recorded from Iran by one species described in ۲۰۱۸.


James Cokendolpher

Invertebrate Zoology, Natural Science Research Laboratory, Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas ۷۹۴۱۵, U.S.A.

Alireza Zamani

Zoological Museum, Biodiversity Unit, FI-۲۰۰۱۴, University of Turku, Finland

Nataly Yu. Snegovaya

Institute of Zoology, Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, pr. ۱۱۲۸, kv. ۵۰۴, AZ ۱۰۷۳, Azerbaijan

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