Annotated checklist of Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) in the Middle East and North Africa
سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 163
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 خرداد 1402
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Species of the family Pteromalidae from the Middle East countries are reviewed. A total of ۴۴۵ species within ۱۳۴ genera and ۱۷ subfamilies are recorded from ۲۰ countries including Algeria (۲۵ genera, ۳۷ species), Egypt (۲۷ genera, ۳۷ species), Iran (۸۴ genera, ۲۱۱ species), Iraq (۱۳ genera, ۱۸ species), Israel (۳۴ genera, ۵۳ species), Jordan (۸ genera, ۹ species), Kuwait (۱ genus, ۱ species), Lebanon (۵ genera, ۵ species), Libya (۹ genera, ۱۰ species), Morocco (۷۱ genera, ۱۲۲ species), Oman (۳ genera, ۵ species), Palestine (۵ genera, ۵ species), Saudi Arabia (۱۰ genera, ۱۴ species), Syria (۱۱ genera, ۱۵ species), Tunisia (۱۵ genera, ۱۷ species), Turkey (۷۵ genera, ۲۳۶ species), United Arab Emirates (۷ genera, ۷ species), Yemen (۲۷ genera, ۴۵ species). There are no published records from Pteromalidae from Bahrain and Qatar. On the basis of the new findings in this study, ۲۲ species in ۱۵ genera are collected and identified from various regions of Iran. Among them, the genera Blascoa Askew, ۱۹۹۷ and Plutothrix Förster, ۱۸۵۶ and three species, Blascoa ephedrae Askew, ۱۹۹۷, Plutothrix trifasciata (Thomson, ۱۸۷۸) and Homoporus pulchripes Erdös, ۱۹۵۳ are newly recorded for the fauna of Iran, the genus Blascoa Askew and three species are new for the Middle East fauna. Biogeographically, the species of Pteromalidae recorded from the Middle East are widely distributed in the Western Palaearctic region. Of which, ۲۶۸ species were found only throughout the Palaearctic with no records from other regions. Among the countries of the Middle East, the highest percentage of endemism for Pteromalidae species were found in Turkey (۵۶ species, ۱۲.۶%) and Yemen (۲۵ species, ۵.۶%), later country representing the fauna of both Palaearctic and Afrotropical regions. The distribution in the Middle East and zoogeographical distribution For each species are presented.
کلیدواژه ها:
Zahra Rahmani
Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture, University of Zabol, ۹۸۶۱۵–۵۳۸, I.R. Iran.
Ehsan Rakhshani
Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture, University of Zabol, ۹۸۶۱۵–۵۳۸, I.R. Iran.
Hossein Lotfalizadeh
Plant Protection Research Department, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tabriz, Iran.
Azizollah Mokhtari
Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture, University of Zabol, ۹۸۶۱۵–۵۳۸, I.R. Iran.
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