Investigation on microsporidian infection prevalence rate in marine shrimps in coastal city of Bushehr

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 130

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 اردیبهشت 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Introduction: internal infectious microsporidian parasites are among the illnesses cause cotton disease, milky disease, ovarian disease. Each of protozoan which cause the disease, attack the certain organs. Due to the above cases and the importance of this disease in shrimps, our aim of this study is to investigate the microsporidian infection in marine shrimps obtained from coastal city of bushehr. Methods: a sampling of the coastal city of Bushehr for the investigation of the microsporidian Prevalence rates on marine shrimps was conducted that ۱۰۰ numbers of marine shrimps were hunted for this aim. Samples immediately after harvest and being fixed in Davidson solution, were studied in the laboratory by light microscopy and the histopotology slides from samples were prepared. The presence or absence of microsporidian contamination in muscle, hepatopancreas, gills and digestive tract were examined. Results: In this study, no microsporidian infectious parasites were found and no contamination based on pollution of body tissues was also observed.Conclusion: Given the above, no contamination was observed in the area of microsporidian prevalence rates on marine shrimps obtained from the coastal city of bushehr. The reasons for the lack of microsporidian contamination in these shrimps can be the lack of area sampling and the overfishing of the aquatic, although sometimes, lack of microsporidian infection may be pertained to the feature of being benthoes.


Ali Ataollahi

Department of Aquatic Animal Health , Veterinary School , Kazerun Branch , Islamic AzadUniversity, Kazerun , Iran

Amin Dzhimand

Veterinarian doctor and health technical officer and secretary of the association of veterinaryhealth technical officers of Bushehr province