A 1 × 2 Optical Power Splitter Based On Photonic Crystal Ring Resonators

سال انتشار: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 2,030

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 مهر 1391

چکیده مقاله:

we propose a 1 × 2 optical power splitter made ofring resonators and linear-defect waveguides in photoniccrystals. This structure is based on a square lattice of siliconrods with the refractive index n(1)=3.47 surrounded by air (withrefractive index n(2)=1). The broadest photonic band gap for thislattice occurs at the optimized filling ratio of r/a = 0.2. Ourproposed power splitter forms by the appropriate couplingdistance between two mirrored rings and a linear defect W1waveguide. Due to constructive interferences in ring resonatorswhich cause the intensity inside the ring builds up in overseveral round-trips, the splitting efficiency of power splitter isfound to be near %60 in each arm with a FWHM=21nm –from 1.541~1.564μm. This intensity corresponds to a hexa-poledegenerated resonant mode which its normalized frequenciesare 0.3480 and 0.3483 (a/λ). Resonant modes of the ringresonator with their corresponding degenerated poles and thetransmission spectra are calculated using the PWE, and 2DFDTDmethods respectively.


Alireza Tavousi

Electronics Department, Chabahar CampusUniversity of Sistan and BaluchestanZahedan, Iran

Mojtaba Moradi

Electronics Department, Chabahar CampusUniversity of Sistan and BaluchestanZahedan, Iran

Mohammad ali mansouri

Faculty of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Sistan and BaluchestanZahedan, Iran

Mehdi saffari

Faculty of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Sistan and BaluchestanZahedan, Iran