Identifying and Prioritizing the Factors Affecting Brand Development of the Khorasan Razavi Volleyball Board

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 141

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 9 اردیبهشت 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Purpose: One of the necessities of every sports committee in carrying out tasks, implementing programs, and achieving goals is the existence of appropriate financial resources.  The study aimed to identify and prioritize factors affecting the development of the Khorasan Razavi province volleyball team brand.Methodology: The current study used Q methodology by the quantitative-qualitative mixed method. The ۲۳ participants included athletes, coaches, referees, volleyball club managers, and brand experts.Findings: The results showed that six mental patterns had affected the brand, including professionalism, media, power, education, events, and nationalism. Leading sport organizations must learn and train this science in their members and include branding training in their training programs. Furthermore, they hold annual junior and regular competitions, invite elites, hold scientific circles, and help develop the infrastructure. Although, it is necessary to develop the city and province sports brands.Originality: We presented the solutions to develop the brand of the province's volleyball team.

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سید محمد مهدی موسوی

Master&#۰۳۹;s student in Sports Management, Sanabad Golbahar Institute of Higher Education, Khorasan Razavi, Iran.

احسان اسداللهی

Assistant professor, Faculty Member of Senabad Golbahar Institute of Higher Education, Khorasan Razavi, Iran.

اکبر معرفتی

Assistant professor, Faculty Member of Senabad Golbahar Institute of Higher Education, Khorasan Razavi, Iran.