Aluminum is one of the most abundant metal materials and its oxide state is used in many industries. Its surface is very reactive to oxygen. After exposure to oxygen, an oxide film forms to prevent further corrosion. However, the thickness of this natural film is not sufficient to resist corrosion. Aluminum surface conversion and oxide film formation through anodic oxidation is used to increase the thickness of the natural oxide layer. Anodic oxidation of aluminum is currently a well-known method and has been used to increase the durability of the metal by creating an oxide nanotube layer [۱]. The oxide layer formed on the surface is high porous and by increasing the thickness of this layer, the surface can be protected against corrosion. In addition, the porous layer can absorb pigments, dyes and metals in the solution, which can be organic or inorganic compounds. One of the ways to protect aluminum from corrosion is to paint it. In addition to protecting the aluminum surface from corrosion, it gives aluminum a wonderful aesthetic aspect that is very suitable for architectural and residential applications [۲]. One of the most widely used dyeing methods in the past decades is electrolytic (EC) dyeing. Electrolytic coloring is a convenient method for producing an interesting range of beautiful colors available for architectural, decorative, spatial, industrial and aerospace applications. Electrolytic dyeing is produced by two steps. During this process, aluminum is first oxidized in an acid solution (sulfuric acid, chromic acid, oxalic acid, etc.), followed by an alternating electrolytic flow of a metal (tin, nickel, cobalt, etc.), color or pigment in The base of the pores of the anodic coating is deposited [۳]. As shown in Figure ۱, electrolytic coloring was done in the ۰.۱۹M of Nickel sulfate solution for ۳۰min, the highest corrosion resistance is between ۱۰ and ۱۵ V in ۲۴ hours.