Numerical modeling of Stone Column group, in improving the behavior of soils

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 159

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 اردیبهشت 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Under the conditions of establishing a soft sandy soil sample, exposed to loading, we will see an increase in soil settlement and, consequently, a decrease in its load carrying capacity. Therefore, using effective methods to improve soil behavior can increase soil load carrying capacity. In the process of designing the foundation of structures on different soils, loading capacity and soil settlement, as the two main criteria considered by engineers and designers, so that the construction of structures on soft and weak soils, causing destructive settlements and unstructural stability. Therefore, the development of methods for improving feeble soils and unsuitable is essential. Therefore, in the present article, by using stone columns as a group, we will seek to improve the behavior of soil. How to arrangements the stone columns (square, triangular arrangement) and the diameter of the stone columns (۲۰, ۴۰ and ۶۰ mm) are the main variables in this article. In all models, the length to diameter ratio is considered equal to ۳. The load carrying capacity and soil settlement have been investigated for different modes of stone column arrangement in the laboratory environment as superimposed load. The results obtained from the article show that the arrangement of the stone column in a triangular and square shape can increase the soil load carrying capacity by ۲۳.۵% and ۲۹.۷%, respectively. This incremental trend is more noticeable in the square arrangement.


Behzad Haseli

Researcher of Shahid Rajaee Group

Mohammad Bahari

Msc of Sajjad University of Technology,