The Relationship between Birth Rate and Water Temperature and theStudy on Different Behaviors of Live-bearers, Guppy Species

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 159

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 4 اردیبهشت 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Introduction: due to biofish in aqua environment, several factors includingphysical and chemical parameters of water have influenced on fish life andgrowth rate. The most important parameters are temperature, density anddissolved oxygen. Correct regulation of the parameters is very effective sincemaximum use of space should be considered due to economical considerations.Increased density and temperature will cause unfavorable effects on fish growth.This study has tried to increase productivity and breeding of the fish by study andimplementation of experimental operations, changes in temperature and differentnutritional diets.Methods: this research was done on ۸۰ species of live-bearing aquarium fish,guppy species, in two aquariums for ۹۰ days (spring, summer and fall ۲۰۱۳).Each aquarium was divided into four parts and every part needed a certaintemperature. To obtain this, a heater was used in each part. The temperature ofeach part was respectively adjusted at ۲۳, ۲۵, ۲۸ and ۳۲ ˚C. Results were reportedin tables and graphs. Fish behaviors were also investigated by observation of theaquariums.Results: based on the observations, it is likely that increase of temperaturebetween ۲۳ to ۲۸ ˚C enhances the number of evolved embryos in guppy species.In continuation, it is probable that increase of temperature from ۲۸ to ۳۲ ˚Creduces the number of evolved embryos in guppy species.Discussion and Conclusion: based on the above results it can be said that therelative increase in temperature has positive effects on evaluation process ofdeveloping fish embryos and in contrast excessive increase of temperature hasnegative impacts on evaluation process of developing fish embryos. By collectingthe results of behavioral observations in guppies, the possibility is that guppies donot have group communications in the field of nutrition and swimming.However, they are very active when swimming and establish good socialrelations with their congener and surrounding of aquarium test site.

کلیدواژه ها:

Comparison between Baby Fish ، Live-bearing Fish ، Guppy


Nahid Syahmard

Research Secretary of Education Management Student House, Kazeroon, Fars, Iran

Ali Ataollahi

Department of Aquatic Animal Health , Veterinary School , Kazerun Branch , Islamic AzadUniversity, Kazerun , Iran