Functions of Simple and Compound Sentences in Masnavi

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 164

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 فروردین 1402

چکیده مقاله:

A large part of the impressiveness of Rumi’s words is related to his manner of expression and syntax of his words, most of which are still hidden. To discover these beauties, there is no other way than a detailed analysis of his discourse. In the present study, the authors analyzed one of the factors of text coherence by examining the frequency and syntactic function of simple and compound sentences in Masnavi. This research is based on ۱۳۷۲ verses of the first book of Masnavi and uses statistical methods of structural analysis and classification of sentences. From this study, remarkable results were obtained regarding the close relationship between the content of the text and its sentence structure. The results indicated that the frequency of compound sentences is more than simple sentences, and among different types of compound sentences, those consisting of “main clause + subordinate clause” pattern have a higher frequency. This style of Masnavi wording contributes to the coherence of the text and paves the way for Masnavi to make good teaching material. Additionally, it was found that Rumi actively participated his audience in receiving the meaning of the compound sentences. He sometimes removed the conjunction from the structure of the sentence and allowed the reader to select the appropriate conjunction based on the selection of each of the main or subordinate clauses. In the complex compound sentences, a sentence has both main or subordinate roles at the same time, which means that based on its preceding or following sentence, the role of the sentence changes.


زهره امانی

Kharazmi University

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