The Effect of Teachers' Teaching Methods on Students' Learning

سال انتشار: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: فارسی
مشاهده: 162

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 اسفند 1401

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Nowadays, the educational progress of students has been considered as an important indicator for the evaluation of educational systems. In addition, educational progress has always been important for teachers, students, parents, educational theorists and researchers. For example, the educational progress of students is considered one of the most important evaluation criteria of teachers' performance, and the academic progress of students depends on the quality of teachers' teaching and the use of active teaching methods. Active teaching methods refer to methods that can strengthen students' activities and turn learning into a two-way flow. Therefore, the teacher should engage the learners with the learning material and teach them the way and methods of knowing, rather than just transferring information. Sometimes, teachers teach a lot of material, but later they realize that the students can repeat even a small amount of what has been presented. In response to the questions raised in this regard, teachers can ignore the teaching methods of learning, that is, not using the methods Active in education was the main reason. For this reason, the quality of education in many schools is not at the optimal level, and students often memorize the material and forget it after the exams are over. Using active teaching methods makes learning penetrate deep into students' lives.


Zakiyeh Aminelahi

The language teacher of Gulha Tankaban School