A Heuristic Fuzzy MADM Method as SFVIKORWith New Asymmetrical Fuzzy Scales:Shakila (۲۰۲۲) & Sheida (۲۰۲۲) and problem solving ofBusiness Performance Excellence Assessmentaccording to EFQM Model

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 266

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 اسفند 1401

چکیده مقاله:

Indeed FVIKOR (۲۰۱۱) has presented by Serfim Opricovic (۲۰۱۱) as fuzzy MCDM method preferably. In my post-doctoral dissertation has been expressing two new modern fuzzy scales as called Shakila (۲۰۲۲) & Sheida (۲۰۲۲) well. In this study I am going to introduce new heuristic innovative FVIKOR as SFVIKOR (۲۰۲۲) overall and I will solve a problem application with name Business Performance Excellence Assessment according to EFQM Model individually. Furthermore mathematical equations of all FVIKORs (contain SFVIKOR) method are the same of Opricovic (۲۰۱۱) method except IFVIKOR, and are defined all the variables under uncertainy as TFNs in fuzzy solution space inaccurately. This paper scope is about SFVIKOR (۲۰۲۲) that both of them, criteria and alternatives evaluation implement by fresh asymmetrical fuzzy scale Shakila (۲۰۲۲) and Sheida (۲۰۲۲) more closely. Meanwhile most aspect and criteria in this study involve leadership with ۵ sub-criteria, strategy with ۴ sub-criteria, human resources with ۵ sub-criteria, partnership & resources with ۵ sub-criteria, products & services process with ۵ sub-criteria, customer results, people results, society results and key results seperately. Additionally this problem contain ۴ alternatives (real options) with ۲۸ criteria. Consequantely medium voltage circuit breakers alternative with Siemens brand reach top rank strongly finally.

کلیدواژه ها:

SFVIKOR (Sadrizadeh post-doctoral Dissertation ، ۲۰۲۲) ، Business Analytics (Sadrizadeh PhD Thesis ، ۲۰۲۱) ، Multi Criteria Fuzzy Decision Making Management Model (Opricovic ، ۲۰۱۱) ، Entrepreneurship Assessment Model (Arabion et al. ، ۲۰۱۰ ، Sadrizadeh et al. ، ۲۰۱۷ ، Sadrizadeh et al. ، ۲۰۱۸) ، Procurement & Purchase Management (Bag ، ۲۰۱۶ ، Sadrizadeh MSc. Thesis ، ۲۰۱۸) ، Suppliers Evaluation Problem (Abginechi & Zan Jirani Farahani ، ۲۰۱۶ ، Hakimi Asl & Ghaderi ، ۲۰۱۶) ، Business Performance Excellence Evaluation (S. Aydin & Khahraman ، ۲۰۱۲)


Saint Francis (Seyed Farid) Sadrizadeh

E-Lily Adrianne Sahar CEO in Armenia; Imperial College London Researcher; PhD in Business Analytics, Post-doctoral inSocio-Economic System