Distribution coefficient of Nickel on Alluvium soil of Anarak Nuclear Repository in Iran

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 173

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 7 اسفند 1401

چکیده مقاله:

In this study, the distribution coefficient of Nickel on the Anarak nuclear repository was studied considering the effects of contaminant concentration, soil particle size, and soil/solution ratio. For this purpose, two experiments were designed. The soil sample was collected from inside the trench of the Anarak Nuclear Repository by the channel method and its characteristics was determined using ASTM method. The batch method was employed while different concentration and volume of contaminant solution was added to the soil and was stirred for ۲۴ h at room temperature. The nickel distribution coefficient in the concentration range of ۰.۰۵-۱ mg/L was determined as ۱۳.۶۳-۹۹۷.۸۹ mL/g with the mean value of ۲۵۶.۲۴ mL/g. Adsorption behavior of Nickel in Anarak soil is better followed by Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The results indicated the contrary conversion of Kd with soil particle size and soil/solution ratio. Moreover, the results confirmed the high dependency of Kd on the contaminant concentration.

کلیدواژه ها:


A. M. Taherian

Iran radioactive waste company, Atomic energy organization, P.O. BOX: ۱۴۳۹۹-۵۵۹۳۱, Tehran, Iran.

A. Maleki

Iran radioactive waste company, Atomic energy organization, P.O. BOX: ۱۴۳۹۹-۵۵۹۳۱, Tehran, Iran.

S. Zolghadri

Radiation Application Research School, Nuclear science and technology Research Institute (NSTRI), P.O. BOX: ۱۴۸۹-۳۸۳۶, Tehran, Iran

H. Yousefnia

Radiation Application Research School, Nuclear science and technology Research Institute (NSTRI), P.O. BOX: ۱۴۸۹-۳۸۳۶, Tehran, Iran

Z. Shiri - Yekta

Nuclear fuel cycle Research School, Nuclear science and technology Research Institute (NSTRI), P.O. BOX: ۱۴۸۹-۳۸۳۶, Tehran, Iran.

S. Sarfi

Nuclear fuel cycle Research School, Nuclear science and technology Research Institute (NSTRI), P.O. BOX: ۱۴۸۹-۳۸۳۶, Tehran, Iran.

H. Aghayan

Nuclear fuel cycle Research School, Nuclear science and technology Research Institute (NSTRI), P.O. BOX: ۱۴۸۹-۳۸۳۶, Tehran, Iran.

S. Momenzadeh

Iran radioactive waste company, Atomic energy organization, P.O. BOX: ۱۴۳۹۹-۵۵۹۳۱, Tehran, Iran.