The impact of innovation, including the innovation of constructionmaterials, on the performance of construction organizations

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 180

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 10 بهمن 1401

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Academic and industrial e_orts around the world are continuously engaged to develop new smartmaterials that can provide e_cient alternatives to conventional construction materials and improvthe energy-e_ciency in buildings or are able to upgrade, repair, and protect existing infrastructures.This new generation of materials, before an actual market entry, needs to be analyzed, validatedtested on in the field, and, possibly, modeled to enable predictions as to their long-term behaviorand performance.To this regard, the valuable contributions in the Special Issue “InnovativeMaterials for Construction” provide a collection of original research and new trends in the field ofinnovative materials and technologies proposed for the construction sector, with a special focus onsustainable materials for the building industry of the future, keeping attention on innovativesolutions suitable for ancient constructions and cultural heritage.he first step of any constructiondesign relies on choosing the best materials able to fulfill the purpose of the project. Although thisis a very important task in the design of a building project, since mechanical, functional andphysical properties of building materials are very important Overall project performance, there iscurrently no systematic way to guide designers on this Selection. The work of Li et al. [۱] suggestsan original approach to fill this gap Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Theauthors validated the AHP method Designing a composite panel form system (CSF) that provesthe capability of the proposed model Identify the best combination of materials and ensure the bestperformance methodical approach to the development of modeling tools to improve the factoranalysis quality and assess the innovations using effect on the economic.performance of thebuilding contractors. To solve this problem To solve this problem, the innovation processmanagement methodological principles determining the requirements for modeling and the factormodels development for the purpose of analyzing and evaluating the impact of innovations,including innovative materials , on the efficiency of construction organizations, weresubstantiated. The key criterial parameters of the comparative evaluation were identified andstructured during the study, characterizing the innovation impact, including the innovative buildingmaterials, on the construction organizations performance impacts to make decisions aimed atimproving the environmental performance of building materials and construction processesthroughout different life cycle stages, including design, construction, use, operation, and end-oflife(EOL).Therefore, during the last two decades, interest in applying this toolin the constructionfield has increased, and the number of articles and studies has risen exponentially.However, thereis a lack of consolidated studies that provide insights into the implementation of LCA onconstruction and demolition waste (C&DW).


Maryam Nemati Hayati

Senior architecture student

Afshin Param

Assistant professor of damavand unit