New findings on Alzheimer's and Covid-۱۹ disease in elderly; An Integrated review study

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 182

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 4 بهمن 1401

چکیده مقاله:

Introduction: In December ۲۰۱۹, a new coronavirus strain called SARS-COV-۲ represented a significant challenge for general wellbeing. The Virus can cause mental disability, particularly memory, through the brain parenchyma deterioration and glucose metabolism impairment. Also, elderly persistent home quarantine to prevent the disease, affects their mental condition adversely. Since elders are the most vulnerable group to Covid-۱۹ and there are almost ۵۰ million individuals with Alzheimer's around the world, this review expects to analyze the most recent in Alzheimer's disease and Covid-۱۹ in older adults. Methods: By searching the databases; SID, IranDoc, Google scholar, PubMed, Medline, Scopus, Cochrane Library, Science Direct and using the keywords "Elder", "Covid-۱۹", "Corona virus" and "Alzheimer"; all articles examining association between Covid-۱۹ disease and Alzheimer were included in the study. Electronic search was performed during ۲۰۱۹-۲۰۲۱. Results: Findings of ۱۸ selected studies showed; there is a reasonable connection between these two disease which can be proven in both biological and behavioral dimensions. Likewise, cognitive impairment, irritability, mood and communication disorders in the elderly with and without Alzheimer's disease occurred with a steep slope during the Covid-۱۹ quarantine contrasted with the time before the pandemic. Conclusions: Considering the known pathophysiological connection between these two diseases, the decrease of social and physical activities during isolation and particularly relatives' partition, leads to a decrease in sensory stimulation and increased loneliness in the elderly and also cause restlessness, cognitive disorders and hallucinations in these people. Although limitations are important to combat the Covid-۱۹ outbreak, it is vital for meet seniors' mental requirements, particularly those with Alzheimer's disease, and their families, and appropriate estimates should be taken to assist them with enduring the pandemic.


حسین پورچراغی

MSc Candidate of Geriatric Nursing, Students' Scientific Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

نسرین ولی عینی

MSc Candidate of Geriatric Nursing, Students' Scientific Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

مهدی رحیمی

MSc Candidate of Geriatric Nursing, Students' Scientific Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

شیما نظری

Assistant Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

الهام نواب

Associate Professor, Department of Intensive Care, Management and Geriatric Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

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  • Tahira AC, Verjovski‐Almeida S, Ferreira ST. Dementia is an age‐independent ...
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  • Carotenuto A, Traini E, Fasanaro AM, Battineni G, Amenta F. ...
  • Giebel C, Cannon J, Hanna K, Butchard S, Eley R, ...
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  • Rahman MA, Islam K, Rahman S, Alamin M. Neurobiochemical cross-talk ...
  • Steardo L, Steardo Jr L, Zorec R, Verkhratsky A. Neuroinfection ...
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  • Brown EE, Kumar S, Rajji TK, Pollock BG, Mulsant BH. ...
  • Laranjinha I, Tábuas Pereira M, Lima M, Duro D, Baldeiras ...
  • REFRENCES:۱. Ciotti M, Ciccozzi M, Terrinoni A, Jiang W-C, Wang ...
  • Fraser N, Brierley L, Dey G, Polka JK, Pálfy M, ...
  • Tandon R. The COVID-۱۹ pandemic, personal reflections on editorial responsibility. ...
  • Mustafa N. Research and Statistics: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-۱۹). International Journal ...
  • Khademian F, Delavari S, Koohjani Z, Khademian Z. An investigation ...
  • Allen WE, Altae-Tran H, Briggs J, Jin X, McGee G, ...
  • Nehme M, Braillard O, Alcoba G, Aebischer Perone S, Courvoisier ...
  • Zhou J, Liu C, Sun Y, Huang W, Ye K. ...
  • Isaia G, Marinello R, Tibaldi V, Tamone C, Bo M. ...
  • Zhou Y, Han T, Chen J, Hou C, Hua L, ...
  • Opriessnig T, Huang YW. Further information on possible animal sources ...
  • Wang Q, Xu R, Volkow ND. Increased risk of COVID‐۱۹ ...
  • Li S, Zhang Y. Mental healthcare for psychiatric inpatients during ...
  • Hosp JA, Dressing A, Blazhenets G, Bormann T, Rau A, ...
  • Martin-Jimenez P, Munoz-Garcia MI, Seoane D, Roca-Rodriguez L, Garcia-Reyne A, ...
  • Galeotti C, Bayry J. Autoimmune and inflammatory diseases following COVID-۱۹. ...
  • Pal R. COVID-۱۹, hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis and clinical implications. Endocrine. ۲۰۲۰;۶۸(۲):۲۵۱-۲ ...
  • Hodge C, Marra F, Marzolini C, Boyle A, Gibbons S, ...
  • Blazhenets G, Schröter N, Bormann T, Thurow J, Wagner D, ...
  • Morley JE. COVID-۱۹—the long road to recovery. Springer; ۲۰۲۰ ...
  • Yiannopoulou KG, Papageorgiou SG. Current and future treatments in Alzheimer ...
  • Maestú F, de Haan W, Busche MA, DeFelipe J. Neuronal ...
  • Stefano GB, Esch T, Ptacek R, Kream RM. Dysregulation of ...
  • Gupta S, Nair A, Jhawat V, Mustaq N, Sharma A, ...
  • Martín-Belmonte A, Aguado C, Alfaro-Ruíz R, Itakura M, Moreno-Martínez AE, ...
  • Ghai R, Nagarajan K, Arora M, Grover P, Ali N, ...
  • Lanyau-Domínguez Y, Macías-Matos C, Llibre-Rodríguez JdJ, Pita-Rodríguez GM, Suárez-Medina R, ...
  • Numbers K, Brodaty H. The effects of the COVID-۱۹ pandemic ...
  • Lara B, Carnes A, Dakterzada F, Benitez I, Piñol‐Ripoll G. ...
  • Haj ME, Moustafa AA, Gallouj K. Higher Depression of Patients ...
  • Yu Y, Travaglio M, Popovic R, Leal NS, Martins LM. ...
  • Reyes-Bueno JA, Mena-Vázquez N, Ojea-Ortega T, Gonzalez-Sotomayor M, Cabezudo-Garcia P, ...
  • Tahira AC, Verjovski‐Almeida S, Ferreira ST. Dementia is an age‐independent ...
  • YILMAZ NH, Polat B, ERMİŞ A, HANOĞLU L. Clinical deterioration ...
  • Hughes MC, Liu Y, Baumbach A. Impact of COVID-۱۹ on ...
  • Rusowicz J, Pezdek K, Szczepańska-Gieracha J. Needs of Alzheimer’s Charges’ ...
  • Tuijt R, Frost R, Wilcock J, Robinson L, Manthorpe J, ...
  • Ismail II, Kamel WA, Al-Hashel JY. Association of COVID-۱۹ pandemic ...
  • Matias-Guiu JA, Pytel V, Matías-Guiu J. Death rate due to ...
  • Tsapanou A, Papatriantafyllou JD, Yiannopoulou K, Sali D, Kalligerou F, ...
  • Werner P, Landau R. Laypersons’ Priority-Setting Preferences for Allocating a ...
  • Goodman-Casanova JM, Dura-Perez E, Guzman-Parra J, Cuesta-Vargas A, Mayoral-Cleries F. ...
  • El Haj M, Larøi F, Gallouj K. Hallucinations in a ...
  • Altieri M, Santangelo G. The psychological impact of COVID-۱۹ pandemic ...
  • Carcavilla N, Pozo AS, González B, Moral-Cuesta D, Roldán JJ, ...
  • Simonetti A, Pais C, Jones M, Cipriani MC, Janiri D, ...
  • Manca R, De Marco M, Venneri A. The impact of ...
  • Boutoleau-Bretonnière C, Pouclet-Courtemanche H, Gillet A, Bernard A, Deruet AL, ...
  • Borelli WV, Augustin MC, de Oliveira PBF, Reggiani LC, Bandeira-de-Mello ...
  • Geerts H, Van der Graaf P. Salvaging COVID-۱۹ interrupted Alzheimer ...
  • Schwab NA, DesRuisseaux LA, Weinberg MS, Arnold SE. Saving cognitive ...
  • Parveen R, Sehar N, Bajpai R, Agarwal NB. Association of ...
  • Ukraintseva S, Yashkin A, Duan M, Akushevich I, Arbeev K, ...
  • Tsugawa A, Sakurai S, Inagawa Y, Hirose D, Kaneko Y, ...
  • Mok VC, Pendlebury S, Wong A, Alladi S, Au L, ...
  • Takeda C, Guyonnet S, Ousset P, Soto M, Vellas B. ...
  • Carotenuto A, Traini E, Fasanaro AM, Battineni G, Amenta F. ...
  • Giebel C, Cannon J, Hanna K, Butchard S, Eley R, ...
  • Schiaffini R, Barbetti F, Rapini N, Inzaghi E, Deodati A, ...
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  • Macchi ZA, Ayele R, Dini M, Lamira J, Katz M, ...
  • Budnick A, Hering C, Eggert S, Teubner C, Suhr R, ...
  • Mental Health Status of Nurses During the COVID-۱۹ Pandemic: A Systematic Review [مقاله ژورنالی]
  • Kuehn BM. In Alzheimer research, glucose metabolism moves to center ...
  • Caruso R. What post COVID-۱۹? Avoiding a «twenty-first century general ...
  • Radecki J, Schonfeld R. The Impacts of COVID-۱۹ on the ...
  • Yadav B. Dementia Increase the Risk and Severity of COVID-۱۹ ...
  • Azarpazhooh MR, Amiri A, Morovatdar N, Steinwender S, Ardani AR, ...
  • Rahman MA, Islam K, Rahman S, Alamin M. Neurobiochemical cross-talk ...
  • Steardo L, Steardo Jr L, Zorec R, Verkhratsky A. Neuroinfection ...
  • Elshazli RM, Toraih EA, Elgaml A, El-Mowafy M, El-Mesery M, ...
  • Ciaccio M, Lo Sasso B, Scazzone C, Gambino CM, Ciaccio ...
  • Dang S, Penney LS, Trivedi R, Noel PH, Pugh MJ, ...
  • Cagnin A, Di Lorenzo R, Marra C, Bonanni L, Cupidi ...
  • Tam MT, Dosso JA, Robillard JM. The Impact of a ...
  • Brown EE, Kumar S, Rajji TK, Pollock BG, Mulsant BH. ...
  • Laranjinha I, Tábuas Pereira M, Lima M, Duro D, Baldeiras ...
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