The role and importance of A_SMGCS in increasing the flights control safety on movement surfaces of Mehrabad international airport

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 185

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 1 بهمن 1401

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Considering the growth of traffic rate in the movement area of airports on a daily basis, providing safety on mentioned surfaces requires an integrated system plays a vital role. In past, surface guidance, such as taxing and avoiding conflicts, included visual aids by the pilot and ATC personnel. Thus, as a result of low visibility conditions monitoring processes would be interrupted, so continuing the Aeronautical operations without improved surveillance systems was impossible. One of the most used systems for controlling surface movements is A-SMGCS۱, which levels up monitoring and controlling all surface movements, including aircraft and vehicles in the assigned routes. One of the significant advantages of using this integrated system is to upgrade the controlling proficiency in low visibility conditions during the days and nights. Implementing such a system has been put in the priority of ASBU modules for high-traffic aerodromes by ICAO in Cairo, named SURF-B۰۲. As a result, by providing A-SMGCS at Mehrabad International Airport, we will benefit from the positive effects of the high level of safety and proficiency of surface operations, decreasing using fuel and conserving the environment. Throughout this essay, how this system can be implemented in Mehrabad International Airport will be discussed.

کلیدواژه ها:


Mohsen Kazemi

Master`s degree in Telecommunication Engineering, The head deputy of Electronics in Mehrabad International Airport, Lecturer in CATC Faculty of Engineering

Elaheh Hassanzadeh

Master`s degree in Digital Electronics Engineering, Bachelor`s degree in Aviation Electronics Engineering

Niloufar Ghorbani

Master`s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering