Ingredient of Identify to Framework the Image of New Towns Case Study: Hashtgerd New Town

سال انتشار: 1390
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 1,456

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 22 مرداد 1391

چکیده مقاله:

This article, relying on scientific and statistical methods, looking for some identity elements to framework the image of new town Hashtgerd. While enumerating the Arnold Whitich in encyclopedia Urban Planning, urban aesthetic principles accepted that the main criteria is needed in urban design are adhered to in factors such as landscape, Closures, Street and Urban Furniture summarizes.Visual moral town in Large-scale or city in the body of the receptor of intuitive perception that the city is seen from a distance, such as entrances to the city, Mass and space1, line of Sky and profiles City; in medium scale or the image of town factors Such signs, road(path), edge, node, and the neighborhood are included. And micro-scale or face the town, the facade and the space and furnishings, or furniture covers in the city.So the city faces the first and most effective factor affecting observer and perhaps Whitich to factors such as closures, landscape, street, and urban furniture be considered.In view of the factors that affect the city, include the facade design, construction practices, building structures, building materials, paint and tissue and expertise in manufacturing, the landscape of the city Defines.This article reviews the new towns in terms of framework the image and urban identity deals. And new town pays Hashtgerd as an example of the new towns with the criteria listed (through field research, interviews, questionnaires distributed among the people and the end of the analytical method Statistical and SPSS) will be evaluated


Iman Moghtabes:

Young Researchers Club Malayer Branch

Gholamreza. Karami:

Coach teaching architecture and urban planning in Islamic Azad University Malayer Branch

MohamadReza Torkaman:

Young Researchers Club Malayer Branch

Mohamad Shahsavari:

Young Researchers Club Malayer Branch