Data Center Tiers Security Service

سال انتشار: 1390
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 1,653

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 22 مرداد 1391

چکیده مقاله:

The heartbeat of any organization is its Data Centers. Employees, partners, and customers rely on data and resources in the Data Centers to effectively create, collaborate and interact for their business. Over the last decade, the rise of Internet and Web-based technologies has made the Data Centers more strategic than ever, improving productivity, enhancing business processes, and accelerating change. Data centers are the strategic focus of IT efforts to protect and optimize the growth of businesses.Therefore, IT organizations must improve operational efficiency, optimize utilization of Datacenters resources, and release funds for innovative new IT projects that help generate revenue. Data centers have evolved significantly as organizations consolidate servers, applications, and other resources, and as they adopt new technologies as a means to reduce costs and increase efficiency. However, technologies such as Server Virtualization, Virtual Machines and Web services eliminate this coupling and create a mesh of interactions between systems that create subtle and significant new security risks. Consequently, Datacenters managers face several security challenges in fulfilling their goals.In this paper, we want to present a framework for developing risk-driven enterprise information security and information assurance architectures and for delivering security infrastructure solutions that support critical business initiatives. This paper also discusses multi-tier architecture, This Model comprises four layers, and it follows closely the work done by John A. Zachman in developing a model for enterprise architecture. Each tier has a different role in the process of specifying, designing, constructing and using the building. It has a security service management that has been placed vertically across the other layers which manages other layers.


S Janosepah

Falculty member in IAU Majlesi Branch and M.s Student in IAU EUA, Isfahan, Iran

N Modiri

Faculty member in IAU Zanjan Branch, Tehran, Iran

M.V Malakooti

Faculty member in IAU EUM, Dubai, Emirate

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  • John A. Zachman (1987), "A Franework for Information Systems Architecture." ...
  • Kailash Jayaswal (2006), "Administering Data Centers: Servers, Storage, and Voice ...
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