Grasp on next generation security operation centre (NGSOC): Comparative study

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 122

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 آذر 1401

چکیده مقاله:

With the growing number of cyber security threats affecting the business environment of many organizations, especially the IT environment. With the growing number of cyber security threats affecting the business environment of many organizations, especially the IT environment. Managed protection systems, including SOC, are highly sought after. Managed protection systems, including SOC, are highly sought after. The problem with SOC is that when building up their own SOC or hiring a third-party to provide SOC, organizations are not able to apply adequate criteria or standard frameworks. The aim of the study is to lay the foundations for developing a modern system of systematic operation centers for the next generation (NGSOC) for IIoT climate. This paper contains thorough, qualitative literature survey on the implementation of a Security Operation Centre (SOC). A comparative study is carried out using a variety of previous research sources and a literature review. The findings from the report show that previous research is not adequately guided, especially in the safety and technical aspects of the building block of the SOC. It is hoped that by proposing the framework, cybersecurity threat prevention and identification would be strengthened even further. The success of the NGSOC will ultimately be determined by the integration of individuals, procedure, and technology.

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Faculty of Computing, College of Computing and Applied Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, ۲۶۶۰۰ Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia & Sysarmy Snd Bhd, Wisma Zelan, No ۱۲, ۱, Jalan Tasik Permaisuri ۲, Bandar Tun Razak, ۵۶۰۰۰ Kuala Lumpur,

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Faculty of Computing, College of Computing and Applied Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, ۲۶۶۰۰ Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia

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School of Computing, UUM College Arts Sciences, Universiti Utara Malaysia, ۰۶۰۱۰ UUM Sintok, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia

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Faculty of Computing, College of Computing and Applied Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, ۲۶۶۰۰ Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia & Sysarmy Snd Bhd, Wisma Zelan, No ۱۲, ۱, Jalan Tasik Permaisuri ۲, Bandar Tun Razak, ۵۶۰۰۰ Kuala Lumpur,

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aFaculty of Computing College of Computing and Applied Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Pahang ۲۶۶۰۰ Pekan, Pahang Darul Makmur