The Role Of Tourist Attractions In The Development Of The Reality Of Tourism In The Holy Governorate Of Kerbala

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 433

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 15 آبان 1401

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The research aims to know the importance and objectives of tourism development in the Holy governorate of Kerbala, as well as to arrive at a scientific concept of tourism development and study its elements and how to overcome its problems, Also knowing the stages of preparing a tourism development plan, and perhaps one of the most prominent proposals that contribute to accelerating and developing tourism development in the holy governorate of Kerbala at all levels. The research relied on the descriptive method and the quantitative method. The research problem came with the following questions: What is the role of tourist attractions in the development and development of the tourist reality in the holy governorate of Kerbala?The secondary problems can be formulated as follows:۱-What is a tourist attraction and what is its concept, forms and impact.۲-Is there a role for the elements of tourist attractions in the development and development of tourism in the province of Kerbala.The research hypothesis came as follows:۱-The elements of tourist attractions in the holy governorate of Kerbala, such as religious, cultural and environmental.۲-There is a role for the elements of tourist attractions in the development of tourism in the holy governorate of Kerbala.The importance of research lies in the growing interest in tourism development and planning at all levels and forms and following a planning policy that would preserve the cultural, social and economic structure, and the natural and environmental resources to remain valid for a longer period, The research is divided into three sections the first deals with the study of the concept of tourist attraction, its forms and impact The second deals with the study of the reality of tourism in the holy governorate of Kerbala, and the third topic focused on studying the tourist attractions in the Holy governorate of Kerbala, as a field study through a questionnaire form.


Mohammed Abd Ali Jasim Al-Shaibani

Faculty of Tourism Sciences, University of Kerbala

Faisal Kareem Hadi Al-Zamili

Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University

Ali Abbood Awdaa

Faculty of Tourism Sciences, University of Kerbala