Investigating the impact of knowledge management on competitiveness based on the market orientation approach, case study: Internet service providers

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 193

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 27 مهر 1401

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In order to advance and speed up development in the current shifting and uncertain conditions, organizations and businesses must not only increase their internal capabilities and tangible and intangible resources but also pay greater attention to the environment. strengthening their competitiveness will help organizations respond more quickly to environmental changes and advance their position among competitors. Prior research concentrated on the effectiveness and significance of market orientation and knowledge management independently in boosting organizational competitiveness; little attention was paid to the impact of knowledge management and market orientation combined on competitiveness. By examining how knowledge management and market orientation affect Internet service providers' competitiveness, the current study attempted to fill this research gap. The findings of this study demonstrate that promoting knowledge management increases competitiveness directly, whereas promoting market orientation increases competitiveness indirectly. As a result, knowledge management also acts as a mediator in the interaction between competitiveness and market orientation.The current research is applied research in terms of its purpose and a descriptive survey in terms of data collection. By using regression analysis and statistical testing, hypotheses were evaluated (Sarmad et al. ۲۰۱۷). The ۱۵۸ licensed and operational internet service providers in the province of Mazandaran make up the statistical population of this study. In this research, a simple random sampling method was used, and ۵۰ companies were selected as a statistical sample.


Vahide Assadzade

Marketing Management Ph.D.Tehran University