Investigating the role of symbolic buildings and urban architecture in order to increase tourist attraction and evaluate their economic and social value

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 326

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 17 مهر 1401

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Iconic architecture is defined as buildings and spaces that are famous for professional architects and/or the public at large and have special symbolic/aesthetic significance attached to them. Nevertheless, iconic architecture assists in the identification of a place, city or precinct, so, structural, functional and aesthetic aspects of architecture, particularly those that represent unique features, attract tourists. Architecture, according to Aldo Rossi, "is at the same time a place, an event and a symbol". Apart from the construction in the "traditional" sense that one perceives, it is also the process by which a building is lined up. It is therefore understood that the concept of architecture which is used, depending on the purpose, as a means of representation, use, impression, but also commercialization. In particular, regarding to the relationship between Architecture and Tourism, buildings and spaces are understood as "products", that means as a series of enhancing activities while at the same time are completing the image and identity of a place (place branding). The aim of this study is to explore the value of iconic buildings to tourism, while assessing their economic and social value in tourism using the benefit transfer method. For example, the Sydney Opera House is exemplary in this respect and is estimated to contribute "US $ ۶۴۰ million in annual expenses to visitors to Sydney", as it attracts visitors, indirectly encouraging them to spend the night and further. Concluding, it is noted that the value of virtual architecture is often attributed to the construction of brick and reinforced concrete, while the wider benefits that a building can offer are often overlooked or underestimated. However, what attracts the most stray visitors is the design of the buildings and the virtual architecture which in turn identify a part (country or city) of these important landmarks. While the goal of architects is not to create tourist attractions with economic benefits, however, many are increasingly aware that successful design and functional buildings become attractions for visitors on their own - which form an external environment that requires appreciation, so in the end to end up like tourist products.


Shahab Aldin Siahposht

PhD in Architectural Engineering, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran,Iran