Involvement of volunteer firefighters in reducing urban fires

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 169

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 27 شهریور 1401

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people every year lost their lives in home structure fires (home fires), and were injured .Home fires represented ۲۷ % of all reported fires in an analysis of home fires based on national fire statistics, cooking equipment is cited as the most common cause of home fires (۴۵ %), followed by heating equipment (۱۶ %), intentional (۸ %), electrical distribution or lighting equipment (۸ %), and smoking materials (۵ %). Causes of deaths from residential fires follow a different pattern. Smoking materials are shown to be the leading cause of civilian fire deaths (۲۳ %), followed by heating equipment (۱۹ %), cooking equipment (۱۷ %), electrical distribution or lighting equipment (۱۵ %).for reduction of these fires ,fire departments employee volunteer firefighters .they should familiar with standards and requirements to helpe in residential safety. In large and small communities throughout the most countries, volunteer firefighters fulfill a number of important duties. Today in the most countries volunteers and career personnel work together to provide emergency and nonemergency services. Due to the important role of volunteer firefighters in residential safety, they have to observe Requirements that determined by fire department in their country or by national fire service. And they need to be healthy and have benefit training to feet for have effect reaction in accidents. In this study I want to find and research the correlation obvious requirements and its effect on the roll of volunteer firefighters in residential safety. The goal is instruction residential safety to volunteer firefighter to employee this instruction in residential safety. The results in this study show the need of requirements for who employee to residential safety. The observation and gathering information such as NFPA۱۷۲۰ and ۱۰۰۱ is the methods for this study. And the Statistical population are volunteer firefighters that work in Tehran fire department.


vahid Goudarzi

PHD Student of Linguistic, Roodhen's Azad University;

hamidreza Hasanlou

PHD Student of Management, Babol's Azad university;

milad Nazari

Master of HSE, Tehran's Azad university;