سال انتشار: 1386
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 1,828

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 شهریور 1385

چکیده مقاله:

During the past five decades, the trend of management based on the people participation has been weakened by considering new form of water resource management, and generally, the role of people participation in the drinking water supply of rural and urban areas according to technical & environmental requirements has thoroughly been changed. Thus, the people presence in this section of activities has been omitted and people participation was limited to the distribution of irrigation water and preserving of kanats and structures. Recently, new stage of People's participation system in the water resource management of the country has started with initiating financial public participation for construction of irrigation networks. Notwithstanding, this desirable process shows deep dependence of public interests to collective activities in the history of this country. Nevertheless, these changes in comparison with huge abilities of people as in the history of management based on collective cooperation in the water affaires has been displayed which to be very slight. Dependence to the potential capacities of people and stakeholders is a fact that global society and international conventions believe in that too, and regarding to this matter, vast activities are enforceable. Necessarily, research and knowledge of different dimensions of public participation specially recognizing its dimension in the history of public participation in the water section was one of inevitable principal activities for entrance to huge boundary of this subject. Through such a scientific recognition and with notice to planning and preparing of integrated system and construction of public participation, subject of public participation in water section could be completely sustained by dependence to deeps believes of people. According to the policy of Ministry of Energy based of combination of vast public potential abilities with public income resources in the construction of irrigation and drainage networks with decline target of projects construction time and assurance to their correct operation and finally managing the main section of public income resources to the economical infrastructures , East Azarbaijan water Corporation, during the second and third development , economical , social , cultural development plans of Iran along with water resources development of two provinces succeeded to establish 133 water users cooperation's ( and 46 projects to cover 72595.575 hectares of land ) with 10900 water users. In addition, 21 projects of participation projects started operation in the half of this year. In this article, we briefly explain the most important activities which have been done, revealing the problems and difficulties about the public participation.

کلیدواژه ها:

E.A.R.W.A- Public participation - irrigation – public networks – water


Farhad Paknia

BS in management/ People participations and Investment Office, East Azarbaijan Regional Water Authority (E.A.R.W.A), Tabriz-IRAN

Seyed Alireza Hosseinzadeh Tabrizi

MS in Hydraulic Structures,/ Subscriber Affairs and Surface Water Resources Users Office, E.A.R.W.A, Tabriz-Iran.

Farhad Almaspour

MS in geographic information systems, / planning Office, E.A.R.W.A, Tabriz-IRAN.