سال انتشار: 1386
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 1,958

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 شهریور 1385

چکیده مقاله:

Iran is located on the dry belt of the world and precipitation rate is low equal to 1/3 of world average. Time and place distribution of precipitation is inappropriate. Hence water shortage is one of the major problems in the arid region of Iran. Since agriculture sector consumes over %90 of harvested water. Unfortunately due to inadequate system for operation and maintenance of water structure, use optimization and lack of water user's participation in operation management of drainage and irrigation large projects, and transferring management of some of irrigation networks to water user's without a studied comprehensive program leads to decrease irrigation efficiency and product, decaying water structures, confusing water user's and consequently high rate of wasting water. In this paper, problems faced in operation management for water and maintenance of water structure in QAZVIN plain having modern irrigation networks have been analyzed. Since operation and maintenance management of hydraulic structures in QAZVIN plain have been governmental and dominant insight on design construction and operation of irrigation networks was initially physical development performance evaluation, users and farmers participation in network management have not been considered. There have been numerous problems for user's and resources. Operation management for water and hydraulic structure has been donated to water user association (W.U.A) under governmental supervision since last year. In this paper we are trying to review and present advantages and disadvantages and also problems and deficiencies in transferring authorities, approaches recommendations through field visit and polling among farmers (W.U.A). by participation irrigation management (P.I.M) for this irrigation network there are some issues such as simplification of administrable affairs reducing governmental involvement time saving, local management decreasing of water loss during transfer and distribution. problems such as, decaying and damaging networks, lack of proper cultivation pattern, inequity in water distribution by water operation in collecting water fee no proper relation among farmers and (W.U.A) among farmers and governmental organization, irrigation efficiency, lack of required motives in order to decrease users expanses, not implementing promotion and training programs which have been studied.
