Management of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions using the optimal farm scale: Evidence from wheat production in South Khorasan Province

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 147

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 20 تیر 1401

چکیده مقاله:

The need for sustainable resource management is increasingly urgent. A prerequisite for achieving sustainable agriculture is the use of production resources more efficiently. In this study, by combining Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) using environmental and economic indices, the effect of optimal farm scale on the improvement of these indices was investigated. Data were obtained from ۱۳۶ farmers using a questionnaire and face-to-face interviews. The mean technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency were estimated to be ۰.۷۶, ۰.۸۹ and ۰.۸۵; respectively, while the benefit-to-cost ratio was found to be ۱.۲۲. Results indicated that if the resources were used efficiently on an optimum scale, the emission and energy use could be reduced to ۹۷۶.۳۳ kg CO۲eq ha-۱ and ۱۵۳۹۱ MJ ha-۱. ۳۷.۷۳ % of the energy savings, respectively. Also, ۳۵.۶% of greenhouse gas emission reductions were related to the optimal farm scale. Furthermore, the contribution of the optimal scale in improving the benefit-to-cost ratio and energy use efficiency was found to be ۱۲.۵ and ۱۶.۲۳%, respectively. The results showed that the optimum scale of agricultural activities was a crucial factor in saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in wheat production in eastern Iran. Therefore, as local farms in the studied region mostly were small-scale, fragmented and scattered, land integration and promotion of activities at the optimal production scale are recommended as important steps in reducing environmental side-effects and increasing farmers’ profitability.


Seyed mohammad jafar Esfahani

Agricultural Planning, Economic and Rural Development Research Institute (APERDRI), Tehran, I. R. Iran

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