The study of intersectoral interactions in the event of oil spills in Zayanderud River (a case study)

سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 257

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 تیر 1401

چکیده مقاله:

Introduction: Due to the reckless for a bulldozer driver belonging to Department of Transportation, Isfahan-Omidiyeh Oil Pipeline was fractures on Monday, ۱۴ April ۲۰۰۸, and extensive oil spill was happen on ۵۰۰m upstream of the river in the Chelvan from Chaharmahal & Bakhtiari, and the river and the surrounding land was polluted. After the incident, the drinking water of some cities was completely cut off for ۴۸ hours. This study was done to presents a successful example of intersectoral cooperation and interaction for the management of an environmental disaster. Method: This applied research was carried out in five stages. First, a review of the literature was done about toxic substances spills and specially oil spill in water resources. Second, incident was reviewed by existing documents. In the third stage, through interviews with those responsible or involved in incident management, information identifying the roles, responsibilities and interventions and finally content analysis was used to analyze data and design interactive model for oil spill management. Findings: In response to the incident, widespread act was done by Governor, the Office of Water & Wastewater, the Environmental Protection Agency, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, The Fire and Safety Services, oil companies and other bodies responsible for clean the area and prevent entry of crude oil dewatering and water treatment facilities. After cleaning the river and carrying out the necessary tests, water treatment carried out in compliance with relevant standards. Also by coordination in Isfahan province, side problems of water cut were reduced to a minimum. Conclusion: One of the most persistent and dangerous pollution of water resources is oil pollution. This type of pollution is threat to groundwater resources and surface water resources. To reduce the risks of oil spills, predict, and identify black spots and actions that lead to the occurrence of such events is essential. The interaction among sectoral collaboration between organizations involved in the pre-crisis remedy these types should be considered.


گلرخ عتیقه چیان

PhD Student in Health in Emergencies and Disasters. Iran University of Medical Sciences, School of Management and Medical Information