Site selection of road relief and rescue bases in Golestan province with the emphasis on international road of Tehran to Mashhad

سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 167

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 تیر 1401

چکیده مقاله:

Introduction: The high number of road accidents and fatalities make it necessary to select and develop relief and rescue road bases more than ever. Several factors are involved in the selection of relief and rescue bases which is not possible to analysis all aspects with traditional methods. Golestan province is located in the northern transit route and welcomes millions of travelers every year due to natural conditions and the characteristics of tourism-pilgrim. Consequently there are many road accidents which serious attention it requires in order to better serve the needs of the injured in hazardous places. Method: In this study, method of hierarchical is used. Firstly, the factors in road traffic accidents are identified; in the following the weight of each factor is determined based on paired comparison method and experts opinions. Finally, data were combined in a GIS and priority plan of available rescue and relief centers. Then site selection of suggested centers of rescue and relief bases was provided. Findings: In proximity of cities and villages, the mix of the purpose and use of international road by residents and drivers has been the main cause of accidents. The focus of rescue and relief bases in these areas has not reduced the number of accidents and only accelerates the relief. The main places to establish relief and rescue bases in Tehran-Mashhad international road are between the cities of Minoodasht, Azadshahr, Ramian, Aliabad, Gorgan, Kordkuy and Bandar Gaz. In the meantime, Gorgan-Ali Abad and Gorgan-Kordkuy roads are more dangerous. Conclusion: According to the results, the density of accident-prone areas is between two road rescue and relief bases. It seems that some factors are involved such as population, culture, climate and culture of indigenous people. Therefore, it is recommended that policies should be reviewed in order to reduce road accidents in these areas.

کلیدواژه ها:

site selection ، relief and rescue base ، road accidents ، Golestan province ، مکان یابی ، پایگاه امداد و نجات ، تصادفات جاده ای ، استان گلستان.


ناصر بای

PhD Climatology, Manager of Applied-Science & Technology, of Red Crescent society of Golestan, Iran