Assessing the historical context and improving it to promote sustainability (Case study: Lower neighborhood of Ghaen city)

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 2,005

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 24 فروردین 1401

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Historical contexts have individual and social identities as well as reflections of culture and urban interactions. Urban restoration not only tries to improve the physical condition of the city but also its important point is to keep the urban space alive and adapt it to the behavior and social activities of citizens in the present era. Reconstruction means creating a contemporary urban space or a new space organization that can show a creative dialogue between the past and the future. What is important is the effect of this organization in the environment to re-present human beings and strengthen the roots of popular and social activities in the field of urban space. The present study seeks to investigate the strategies for the restoration of historic houses and the reconstruction of the main structure of the ancient texture of Ghaen, especially Imam Street, because in the Pahlavi era, due to street construction in this part, is one of the main components of the structure of the old texture of Ghaen. To achieve the goal in this study, first, the related concepts and terms in this field were studied by the library method, and then the internal and external experiences were examined. Identification and analysis of the desired area were done using a questionnaire and SWOT table. Finally, the design of the lower neighborhood was done according to the indicators extracted from this method. The results obtained in this article showed the need to preserve historical textures, physical reconstruction, and design of the museum site. Also, toempower them functionally, basic and important measures such as identifying the physical and functional condition of these tissues and, of course, proper design according to the needs of the people should be emphasized.