Morphometric analysis of the posed smile A comparison between normal occlusion, class ۱ malocclusion and non-extraction treated group

سال انتشار: 1385
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 152

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 23 فروردین 1401

چکیده مقاله:

Aim: Lips-Dentition relationships play a special role during smile. Present study compared the relationship of lips and teeth during posed smile in subjects with normal occlusion, class ۱ malocclusion and non-extraction treated cases. Materials and methods: ۲۰ cases with normal occlusion according to Andrews' and without facial malformation (N), ۲۲ cases with moderate crowding (C ۱) and ۱۲ well treated patients without any extraction and facial malformation (T) with the age between ۱۵ — ۲۰ years old were selected. One photograph in rest position and another in posed smiling were taken in standard position. ۱۲ variables on photos were measured by use of a smile mesh. ANOVA and Krukal-wallis tests were used for analysis. Results: Commissure width and Smile width was significantly greater in group N than groups Cl and T (P<۰.۰۰۱). Upper lip curvature in non-extraction treated group was concave but in others were convex (P<۰.۰۲۲). Inter-canine width in group N was significantly higher than treated patients (P<۰.۰۳). Conclusion: There is a direct relation between anatomic form of lips in rest and in smiling. Orthodontic treatment can cause some changes in lips form during smiling (IJO ۲۰۰۶; ۱:۱۶۳-۷).

کلیدواژه ها:

Morphometric analysis ، Posed smile class ۱ malocclusion ، non-extraction treatment


Amirfarhang Miresmaeili

Associate professor , orthodontic department , Dental school of Hamedan University ,Hamedan , IRAN

Nasrin Farhadian

Assistant professor & chairman of orthodontic department Dental school of Hamedan University , Hamedan , IRAN

Khosrou Mani Kashani

MHC , Hamedan Medical university , IRAN