Lessons from the world for Iran, in direction of codification energy efficiency laws and policies in the green building sector

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 357

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 8 اسفند 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Increasing the consumption of fossil fuels and carbon emissions in the atmosphere of the Earth has caused global temperatures to rise, thereby destroying the environment and climate change. Therefore, the international community is working to counter the devastating effects of climate change while increasing energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions will have environmental and economic benefits. These efforts led to the formulation of the Paris Climate Agreement, as a result, various countries around the world have adopted climate change law and policies to tackle climate change. However, despite environmental problems, such as air pollution, floods, and droughts, Iran has been neglected because of its enormous fossil energy resources. With attention use more than ۳۰ % of energy consumption in the building industry, this study attempts to provide suggestions for improving energy efficiency laws in Iran, by examining the law and policies of the leading countries in the field of energy efficiency in the building industry. These include the need to formulate laws and policies on energy consumption, develop and promote the use of renewable energy, and green buildings using support and financing tools in the building sector.


Mohammad Javad Khosronezhad

master students in Faculty of Art, Architecture & Urbanism, Urmia university, ۱۱km Road Sero, Urmia, West Azerbaijan, Iran

Sajjad Akbari Balderlou

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Art, Architecture & Urbanism, Urmia university, ۱۱km Road Sero, Urmia, West Azerbaijan, Iran

Mozaffar Abbaszade

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Art, Architecture & Urbanism, Urmia university, ۱۱km Road Sero, Urmia, West Azerbaijan, Iran