Short Communication: New habitat and range extension of the Iranian cichlid endemic fish (Iranocichla hormuzensis) from the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea basin, Iran

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 183

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 23 بهمن 1400

چکیده مقاله:

During the field studies of the geo-morphological structure of coastal-marine ecosystems in the south of Iran, the presence of the native species of Iranian cichlid) Iranocichla hormuzensis Coad, ۱۹۸۲ (Cichlidae: Pseudocrenilabrinae) in the Tang e Khor floodway / seasonal river (under the Charak river) was observed and identified. Based on field observations and preliminary studies, the highest nesting density in an area of ​​about ۵۰ square meters on the southeastern bank of the river with very slow and almost gentle flow with a depth of less than ۳۰ cm, with ۳۵ nests with a diameter of about ۳۰-۴۰ cm and an average distance of about ۱ meter from each other. Smooth bed without vegetation, with pebbles and scattered rubble was covered with algae. Almost all of the nests were occupied by the active presence and territorial behavior of the male (dark color with a distinct black spot on the dorsal fin) which was constructing and designing the nest, with various shapes of continuous lines and dashed lines, zigzag and were oblique) to attract females and specimens of females (in light color) were also seen around. According to the references and reported documents, geographical distribution patterns of Iranian cichlid is limited to Kol and Mehran rivers sub-basin include the central and western sub-basins basins of Hormozgan province. This sub-basin  rivers leading to the Hormuz Strait and Khor e Khoran (Khoran Creek - Strait which including: Kol (Shoor), Mehran (Shoor), Rasoul, Hassan Lengi (Shamil), Sarzdeh, Minab and Siahoo rivers, and also the southeastern of Fars province: Kol sub-basin (near Lar) and  Mehran sub-basin (headstreams and springs)

کلیدواژه ها:


F. Owfi

Iranian Fisheries Research Science Institute, Agriculture Research, Education and Extension Organization, Tehran, Iran

H. Rameshi

Persian Gulf Mollusks Research Station, Persian Gulf and Oman Sea Ecology Research Center, Bandar e Lengeh, Iran

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