The Influence Of Process Control Agent (P.C.A)’S State on Expedition of Mechanical Alloying of Anostructure Tial(Γ) Alloy

سال انتشار: 1389
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 166

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 18 بهمن 1400

چکیده مقاله:

In this research, the effect of two process control agent: methanol (liquid state) and stearicacid (solid state) on mechanical alloying process of Ti and Al with equal at%(Ti۵۰Al۵۰) wereinvestigated. Phase transformation at presence of two PCA was: at first, powder mixture wastransformed to a metastable solid solution of Al in Ti lattice (disordered hcp) and then transformed toamorphous phase with increasing the alloying time. The results showed that the state and type of PCAis effective in expedition of mechanical alloying process. The metastable solid solution phase (dis.hcp) at presence of methanol was achieved more quickly than stearic acid was used. Changes in grainsize, lattice strain, weight recovered and impurity content of milling parameters at presence of twodifferent PCA were studied. At last with annealed of last product of alloying, the TiAl(γ) phase withhigh purity and nanostructured form were produced.


rasoul Azazari.khosroshahi

, Sahand Univ. of Technology

Farshad Abbasi Nargesi

Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Department, Sahand Univ. of Technology

Naghi parvini.ahmadi

Materials Eng., Sahand University of Technology