Etiologies of Dysphonia in Patients Referred to ENT Clinics Based on videolaryngoscopy
سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 174
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 بهمن 1400
چکیده مقاله:
Introduction: Laryngeal dysfunction may be divided into three categories; organic, neurologic and functional disorders. Dysphonia and hoarseness are the most common symptoms and, in some cases, the only signs of laryngeal dysfunction. In differential diagnosis of any type of chronic hoarseness, a neoplastic process must be considered and, thus continuous light video laryngoscopy can provide important information on the presence of neoplastic lesions in order to prevent disease progression via early detection and action. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional, descriptive-analytical study was carried out on ۱۹۷ patients with voice disorders admitted to Ayatollah Rouhani Hospital for video laryngoscopy. Available sampling was used and the results achieved were analyzed using SPSS۱۷ statistical software. Results: A total of ۱۹۷ patients (mean age, ۴۰.۷۲ ±۱۵.۱۷ years) participated in this study, ۵۶.۹% of whom were male. From analysis of video laryngoscopy, organic dysphonia was found to be the most common cause of voice disorders, while functional and neurologic dysphonia were observed in ۸.۶% and ۵.۶% of patients, respectively. Vocal nodules and Reinke's edema were among the most common causes of organic dysphonia, with a frequency of ۲۴.۴% and ۲۳.۴%, respectively; while laryngeal carcinoma accounted for ۲.۵% of all diagnosed cases with organic causes. Conclusion: Since the presence of voice disorders for more than ۳ weeks can be a sign of laryngeal dysfunction, early diagnosis using noninvasive methods such as video laryngoscopy and appropriate medical measures can help prevent the disease progression and eliminate the need for actions such as laryngectomy.
کلیدواژه ها:
Keyvan Kiakojury
faculty member
Mehdi Dehghan
Faculty Member
Fateme Hajizade
soraya khafri
Faculty Member
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