Ectopic Molar with Maxillary Sinus Drainage Obstruction and Oroantral Fistula

سال انتشار: 1392
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 150

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 بهمن 1400

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Introduction: Ectopic tooth eruption may result owing to one of ۳ processes: developmentalDisturbance, iatrogenic activity, or pathologic process, such as a tumor or a cyst. In rare cases, occlusion of the sinus ostia may predispose a patient to develop a maxillary sinus mucocele. When the maxillary sinus is invaded, symptoms usually occur late in the process.   Case report: A ۱۷ years old boy referred to department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery of university of medical sciences, Tabriz_Iran in ۲۰۱۰ with chronic recurrent mucoprulent discharge from retromollar trigone , posterior to right superior alveolar ridge. CT scan revealed a dense mass resembling tooth, obstructing sinus ostium with homogenous opacity with ring enhancement, occupying whole sinus and expanding all walls. A Caldwell Luke approach in combination with endoscopy was selected.   Discussions: In the present patient, removal of ectopic tooth resolved the symptoms completely, the fistula obstructed and discharges discontinued. An ectopic tooth is a rare entity obstructing sinus ostium. The etiology of ectopic eruption has not yet been completely clarified, but many theories have been suggested,including trauma, infection, developmental anomalies and pathologic conditions, such as dentigerous cysts. In summary, although the ectopic teeth is rare but it would be assumed in presence of unilateral symptoms of sinonasal cavity. Therefore in peristant unilateral sinonasal symptoms we should complete examining of this site to rule out rare causes of these symptoms.


Shahin Abdollahifakhim

Departments of Otorhinolaryngolog, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran.

Mehrnoush Mousaviagdas

Departments of Otorhinolaryngolog, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran.