Abstracts/ Journal of the Arabic Language and Literature Vol.۱۴, No۴۸, autumn ۲۰۱۸

سال انتشار: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: عربی
مشاهده: 104

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 8 بهمن 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Contents The Representation of Culture in Arabic pedagogy books to non-Arabic languages Danesh Mohammadi, Sakineh Zarenejad....................................................... ۱ Critical Study of themanifestations of Mamluke's life from the novel “Alsaerounniyama” by “Saad Makkawi” Maryam Rahmati Torkashvand........................................................................................ ۲۳ A comparative study of the poetics in in poetries of Shafiee Kadkani and Adonis Abdolhossein Feqhhi, Safoura Fasih Ramandi................................................................ ۴۳ Apostrophe, a cohesive factor in the holy Koran: A particular study of the “Ahzab surah” Abbas Eghbaly, Rohoallah Saiiadinejad, Momammad Hoseyn Fazeli...................... ۵۹ The Study of the Elliptical Simile Theory and Its Relation to the New Theories of Metaphor Amir Saleh Masoomi, Sayyed Mohammad Reza Ibnorrasool, Mohammad Khaqani, Adel Rafiei ۸۳ Readability of Arabic textbooks in first period of high school According to cloze test technique Maryam Jalaei, Farzaneh Barati Dehaghi...................................................................... ۱۰۳ The ideological and ideological level and their semantic impact in the Sahife Sadeqiyyeh Hossein Mohammadian, Hojjatollah Fesanghari, Mahdi Khorrami......................... ۱۲۳ Immigration of Ethnic and Linguistic-Cultural Issues (Case study: Immigration of war-torn Arabs to Holly Mashhad) Mostafa Mahdavi Ara....................................................................................................... ۱۴۹ Abstract............................................................................................................................... ۱۶۹

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