Numerical Analysis of the High Speed Driven Cavity Flow in ۲-D Curved Channel

سال انتشار: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 149

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 بهمن 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Numerical experiments were carried out on the high speed driven cavity flows in ۲D curved channels to investigate mainly the pressure field. A density-based algorithm in ANSYS Fluent ۱۳.۰ was used in the present URANS simulations. The SST k- ω model was used for modeling the turbulence within an unstructured mesh solver. Validation of the numerical code was accomplished, and the results showed a good agreement between the numerical simulation and experimental data. Three channels (straight, concave and convex) with a nominal height of H = ۴ × ۱۰ −۳ m under the transonic flow conditions were considered in the study. The cavity studied is L = ۱۲ × ۱۰ −۳ m long with the depth ranging from D = ۱۲ × ۱۰ −۳ m to ۴۸ × ۱۰ −۳ m to obtain the length-to-depth ratios of L /D=۱ to ۱ /۴. The study comprised the analysis of the cavity surface pressures and the associated flow structures. The channel configuration influenced the cavity flowfield, and that influence finally resulted in a change in the surface pressure fluctuations in the cavity. The deep cavity attenuated the flowfield oscillation inside the cavity.


M. M. A. Alam

Institute of Ocean Energy, Saga University, Japan

T. Setoguchi

Institute of Ocean Energy, Saga University, Japan

M. Takao

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Matsue National College of Technology, Japan

H. D. Kim

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Andong National University, Korea