Avian diversity of Fars province (Southwestern Iran) with note on the zoogeographical composition

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 124

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 28 دی 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Rich avifauna of Fars province, SW Iran, is a stem from high diversity of habitat and climate beside its geographical position as a crossroad between Palearctic, Oriental, and Afrotropical realms. It shares the greatest number of bird species with the Palearctic region, however two other faunal realms, including Oriental and Afrotropical have a pronounced influence on its avifauna. It seems its bird fauna to be more in common with the Oriental elements than Afrotropical ones; the question addressed in this study. In addition, the province is located east of the Western Palearctic and close to the Eastern Palearctic border. I explored how much its bird elements have in common with the Eastern Palearctic. It is important because in some cases, western and eastern bird elements may come together with a narrow or wide hybrid zone. Based on my expeditions in recent years and pervious published literature, I present the comprehensive annotated checklist including ۳۷۱ bird species in ۱۹۷ genera, ۶۸ families and ۲۳ orders. At least ۸۸ species are resident, ۱۹۳ species are breeding, ۳۳ species are rare and ۲۱ species are vagrant. Based on the international conservation criteria, five species fall under the EN, nine under the VU, ۱۶ under the NT of IUCN and ۶۲ species fall under the appendices of CITES, including eight species in appendix I and ۵۴ in appendix II. Results show that the Fars province shares the greatest number of bird species with the Palearctic region (۳۶۴). The province lies within the West Palearctic faunal region and as expected, its bird fauna shares a greater number of species with the western Palaearctic than its eastern (۳۴۶ versus ۳۱۴). Our results also showed that the two other adjacent faunal regions including Oriental and Afrotropical have influence on its avifauna, and the province shares a greater number of species with the Oriental than to Afrotropical.



Department of Biology, School of Science, Shiraz University