Innovation in manufacturing technology with cost optimization approach in project management

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 262

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 دی 1400

چکیده مقاله:

According to the growth of civil industry and subsequently the use of cement and concrete in civil and other projects, studying the green concrete production technology is felt necessary. In this research, the optimum composition of green materials has been analyzed and determined mainly based on the special weight of concrete by testing several series of concrete mixture to reach the highest resistance in light concrete produced by the ceramic grains. In each series, using the light ceramic grains, the weight of light coarse-grains ceramic and natural sand was determined for several supposed special weights for a constant rate of proportion of water to cement and cement. The range of cement carat changes was ۲۰۰-۳۵۰ Kg/m۳ and special weight of concrete from ۱.۵ to ۲.۰ gr/m۳ in concrete mixture. Totally, more than ۱۵۰ cylinder samples in the ages of ۳,۷,۸ days underwent the pressure and tension test. The results obtained from the tests indicated that in an optimum mixture, minimum amount of cement is ۱.۹ gr/m۳ to reach the pressurized resistance more than ۱۳۰ kg/m۳ in ۲۸ days. The highest pressurized and tension resistance for concrete with ۳۵۰ kg/m۳ cement and special weight of ۱.۰ gr/m۳ for ceramic grains with special weight of ۱.۹ gr/m۳ for concrete in ۲۸ days, ۱۸۴ kg/m۳ and ۲۹.۵ kg/m۳ were obtained respectively.


Sina Mohaghegh

M.Sc. Sharif University of Technology,

Majid Rafiei

Assistant Professor Sharif University of Technology,

Ali reza khalou

Professor Sharif University of Technology,